When you sponsor a school, you don't just help the children in your sponsored school, but the school's community members and all of the schools in the district. We know from over 10 years experience that working with community members and district officials is important for enabling your school to succeed. It's going to take much more than just filling a classroom with text books to deliver a quality education to every child! As a sponsor GTF Ministries delivers a welcome pack and on regular basis distribution of gifts twice a year and free text books distribution for each academic year. Our sponsored schools can be observed with changes in every year. You can visit our web page and go through our activities about our work in the schools in Lahore district and country so that you can see the bigger picture in which schools, and Link, we are operating. A huge amount of our contributor's money goes directly to low life and un established schools and is spent within your school's district, on work which benefits several schools of Christian community. Therefore, BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIG!