At present about 55 million Pakistanis above the age of ten cannot read and write or do simple calculations . The overall official literacy rate is reported to be a little more than 50% with two - thirds of the female population utterly illiterate. Pakistan indeed is at the lowest rung of the international literacy ladder. No country can make rapid progress in this day and age if the bulk of its people remain deprived of the basic skills of reading and writing. In 2019 a step in the right direction was taken with the setting up of the Gospel Teaching Fervent Ministries for Literacy Education. Adult Literacy has not yet been accepted as a felt need in Pakistan especially in the rural areas. Feudal culture obtaining in rural Pakistan is not conductive to the promotion of education. Illiterate male adults in rural areas are generally not interested in acquiring literacy skills because of age factor and on account of preoccupation as bread - earners of the family. They are also generally not in favor of women going to literacy centers because of pressing work in the home. Inadequate schooling opportunities also inhibit girls to seek education. We request the donors to promote and the cause of literacy and help by providing sponsorship for one or more female literacy centers.